provides the following environmental equipment for rent in Southern California:
> Air scrubber and Negative air machine HEPA filtration equipment for mold, asbestos and dust.
> Blower & Air Mover Rental
> Commercial Grade Dehumidifier Rental
> Ozone generator Rental
Special daily, weekly or monthly rentals available.
AAC air scrubbers are commercial size high capacity machines and each machine can move, filter and clean up to 2200 cubic feet of air per minute (CFM). These machines have triple stage filtration with HEPA filters. HEPA filter will capture small particles such as mold, bacteria, asbestos, lead and more.
Using an air scrubber during mold cleanup is extremely important for health and liability reasons. If mold or other hazardous materials are released in the air they may contaminate neighboring areas of your home or office which were previously un contaminated. Mold spores may travel via the air to other parts of a building, and can colonize clothing and furniture in clean areas.

Models vary up to 2200 cfm.
The use of an air scrubber is recommended for all remodeling jobs where dust is created (Hospital, Library, School). The air scrubber will continuously purify the air and provide a clean, healthy and productive environment.
provides neg-air machine, air scrubber and de humidifier rental services in the following cities in southern California:
* Orange County is included.
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